Dreams to Reality - The journey Less Travelled!!

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Hey hi guys!!
I just feel to write something about dreams!!
Dreams - lets see, How many of us have Dreams?? hmmm... I guess all of us right??, but yea how many of us really have that will and that zeal to achieve that, i say a few of us and most important how many of us finally achieve that dream even in spite of hindrances and disappointments, that would just count down to a handful!!
I was wondering about this. Why only a few people are known to the whole world and why many remain as normal people on this planet, i eventually stumbled on a newspaper where i read a story and got a slight hint of the reason. This is what i read.

There is a very dynamic professor but he is not gifted with the power of vision. He has worked hard and strived to gain mastery in his subject and all his students are fond of him. He stated telling that whenever he felt dejected, he remembered this line from his father which i Quote "Don't keep your dreams in your eyes as tears may wash them away but keep them in your heart for every heartbeat will remind you of them". How true it is. Maybe the people who are known to the world did just that!! Life is like a roller coaster ride, a crazy bumpy ride which if you complete will grant you happiness, but how many of us give in to our fears and shatter all those dreams! A roller coaster ride only gives that adrenaline rush.... Living just a simple life without adventures is not fun....take risks, charge your dreams and go the distance for a beautiful and a wonderful future awaits you. All of us are truly gifted, its just maybe we haven't recognised that, i feel everyone has that zeal its only that we have to look for it. At the end when we evaluate ourselves, if we have got that " Wow i did it, Yea!!" statement/ moment in life then we have lived to create a legacy!!

All the best!!
And my mantra "Always keep smiling"!!

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