Dream a Dream

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 'Dream a Dream' that's what i'll say,
Telling you to work on it everyday,
Keeping all negativity at bay,
To make it a reality one day,
Hardwork and consistency, that's what counts,
Not the dissapointments that haunts,
Walk or run forward every step,
Keeping ready with all the prep,
A chance may strike,
It's just what you like,
Grab that with whole confidence,
Move ahead with total perseverance,
Never ever to look back again,
Just soaring high with proper gain,
Days will pass ,even so will years,
And you will know all your fears,
Coz all will be down & shattered,
And you sure will rise undeterred,
Happiness and fame will come to you,
For you'll be counted in the elite few,
You did work hard no matter what,
So you do deserve that brilliant spot,
A Person  finally with his dream achieved,
Basking in the joy he has received,
Well in the end do have a smile,
Coz That's famous just like river Nile,
Again i would say to dream a dream,
for its like the icing on the cream!!

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